As you can see from my title, I have made a DECISION! On what exactly? On my songs for the audition!! You need to have a ballad and an upbeat song. SOOOOO, I have decided to do Hurt: Christina Aguilera and Holding out for a hero: Bonnie Tyler. It has been a hard decision to make! Ballads are easy to choose. There are so many great songs to choose from. Upbeat songs, that are vocally up to par, not so much....Luckily, I have an awesome coach. (Let me paint you a picture) While watching a hockey game, she comes over and sits by me. We are sitting there talking, and looking at her phone. The ( rather perverted) videographer keeps putting us on the jumbo tron. Then out of nowhere she says, "What about the song... I need a hero by Bonnie Tyler?" I had heard the song before, but could not remember it well enough to decide. So today I listened to it....and I fell for it...HARD!( I really should have had a TV special to announce this...If it can work for Lebron, then it can work for me right? :)) My blog will just have to do ( for now anyway hehhehe)! For your convenience, I have attached a video of the song. This song was also featured on Shrek 2...sung by none other than the FAIRY GODMOTHER!!! Hahahaha....I love Shrek! Anyway, I will modernize it. We will get to sing with a band. It should be super AWESOME! My husband did a little dance to this song today! If only my darn camcorder was working...( I need to remember that I have a phone camcorder lol) You would have loved it! No worries though. I will get him on film and show the world. I might even get him to try out for SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. I am pretty sure he will get on TV! Well folks....I gotta get to workin on my fitness. Ya Dig? ( hahaha...)

This has been a rough 2 weeks. Due to my cold,  I have not been able to sing a note; it's been driving me insane!! I went to my voice lesson yesterday. My poor coach, Debra, could not get the results out of me that she needs. Did that stop us though....OF COURSE NOT! You can put a car on the train tracks, but the train will just run it over, and keep on "chuggin." That's what this week has felt like. I have so much to do, in so little time. I will just have to "chug" along until I am satisfied. No matter though, I am the QUEEN of procrastination! Now you may think that is a bad thing, I however, disagree! It means I can work under pressure...unnecessary pressure, but pressure none the less. (hehehehe) It looks like some other girls are thinking of coming along to the audition! I purchased my tickets to fly. The rest of the girls will be "roadtrippin" it up! I am a little sad to miss that experience, but car rides are not my thing. I turn into a 5 year old. "Honey, are we there yet?" Gus: "No Shalay, we left 20 minutes ago. We have 6 hours left!" Me, 10 minutes later: "How about now?" Gus: "NO! Stop asking me!"  Sooooo yeah. I would hate to put the girls through that. I really hope they come! We will have a blast! Not to get off subject, but I know people have been asking me to put up some music. I will definitely be putting some on here. These things take time lol. Right now, my lovely camcorder, has no cords. So I can record all I want, but I can't get anything off!. ( Don't you just love technology. I know I DO! blah. ) Oh yeah, and I can't find the cords anywhere! ( I freakin looooooovvvvve technology) I will find them though. With a little determination, I WILL FIND THEM. I appreciate all the support thus far. I will make good on my previous promise. After 100 followers, I will be dressing up like "Snookie" and taking pictures. Now don't show your children. I don't want them thinking that I am the monster under the bed! On that note, I will be off to attempt to sing. Oh wait wait wait....I need some suggestions for an upbeat song to sing!!!!!!!!! This is very important. Leave me your comments....think along the lines of Pink, Christina Aguilera, Journey, Aerosmith, Heart etc...a belty upbeat song with rock undertones....Does that make sense??? Do the best you can lol. Good Luck, and GOODNIGHT!

Ok....currently I am online looking up ticket prices for my flight to the bigggg LA (it really needs a nickname...New York has the BIG APPLE...I think I shall call it DreamLand because it is the land of dreamers.........oh yeah, I am that good.) So off to DreamLand I shall fly, to compete against many dreamers. People with stories, instruments, and of course fantabulous voices!(If you can't read that word, then you are not as cool as me....ahahaha jk (-:  ) So, what do I have that they don't? THE MOST AWESOME BLOG ON THE PLANET, THAT'S WHAT!!! Anyway, I was looking at the website for this show and it is pretty cool! The link is as follows: Check it out. You will see what the dynamic of the show will be like. This is not your daughter's American Idol...oh no...girl's in bikinis with bad voices, need not apply. There is an application process, and they don't even look at you in the first audition. It is a BLIND audition. So... costumes, bikinis, crazy hair, or flipping the judges off does not get any laughs. Now don't get all bent out of shape just yet. I know you are thinking *thinking bubble* "This sounds boring, who am I going to laugh at?" Well I have an answer for you! If you are lucky it will be me! I mean, I am funny right? RIGHT?!? Well at least I can sing a little; so at least watch for that reason. Well my husband says it is my bedtime. I will leave you with this last little note: VOTE FOR ME! AHHAHA!

Good Afternoon!! It is a rather dreary day today, and I am trying to get over this terrible sore throat I have had-going on 4 days now! Still, nothing can damper my spirit! If I had the time, I would tell everyone individually what is going on, but alas, I do not. So for today's forecast, I see a photo shoot in the near future (very near). Next week I will be shooting with a guy named Fumi; his pictures are pretty awesome. I am getting head shots done for an audition coming up! Which brings me to my next tidbit of news....I will be going to LA to audition for a new show that is coming out. The audition is February 4th; I could not be more excited! So its work, work, work until then. I have to figure out what to wear...I am going for a modest rocker bombshell look. (Yeah, I have no idea what that means either.) So if you have any ideas for me on what to wear, please leave me a comment. Your input is very much appreciated!( When I am famous, I will give you car or something...OPRAH STYLE! Oooohh, you  are excited now aren't you! See the car above, yeah, that could be yours!) REMEMBER: Keep voting for my name, as well as, tell everyone you know to read my blog! I want my blog to be the next jersey shore!!! I realize I am not nearly as good looking as Snookie, but maybe if you are lucky, I will poof my hair really big and take a picture of it! When I get to 100 followers, I will do that for sure!! Happy Saturday; and in the words of my husband's boss, TAKE LUCK!

Hello World! My name is Shalay. Remember that name because.... today is the day that you and I become best friends! ( Aren't you excited...I know I am!) Anyway, today is the start of something wonderful. I am going to let you in on the exciting things that are going on in my life. (Hey, if you are not interested, well then it's time to click on another blog!! But, that's crazy talk; of course you are interested! Reality TV has bred us all to be interested in other people's lives!) So, 2 months ago, I found an incredible vocal coach. She seems to think that I have what it takes to make it to the big time-I agree with her. Her name is Debra Robertson. Not only did she go to the Miss America pageant, but she has had successful music career with her sister in Nashville. They sang at the Grand Ole Opry, toured with SheDaisy, and even went and sang to the troops in Iraq. These are only a few of her accomplishments; I am lucky to have found her. The lord works in mysterious give up hope, but then BAM!! Something hits you like a ton of bricks, and your life is on track again. 

So I am having a dilemma. I would like your opinion on my stage name. I realize to you this may seem like a very minuscule dilemma. In terms of world hunger, it is. To me though, its huge! This is the name that people will have to say over and over. Yes, I did say over and over. You will say my name all the time. You will say Shalay whenever you can. Shalay, Shalay, Shalay! This name should be embedded in your sub-conscience now. ( I am not sure subliminal messages work as well... if you don't have music or something in front of them. I probably just look like a crazy person now......Oh well *shrug*) But wait! I have not officially decided on a name yet. You need to erase your sub-conscience now and help me decide! So growing up, no one could pronounce my name. I think it is easy; it is just Shuh- Lay....others could not grasp this. It was always Shaley, Shayla, Shanae ( I don't even have an N in my name!)or Shahaley. ( How someone got that...i have no idea.) You get the idea. So I have some options for you. I can drop my last name altogether; my first name is hard enough to say already. I can add Silver to it; which is my mother's birth mother's last name. Silver is easy to pronounce...if you can''s probably time to start thinking about school again. I could use my first name and middle name. ( Shalay Talia pronounced Shuh-Lay Tal-yah) However, that seems difficult. Or, Shalay Cano, which is my married name. This is probably the most difficult of all of them. I don't think I want to use that. However, I am leaving it up to you. To the left, you will see a question, some circles, and some names next to those circles. Go ahead and let me know what you think. Then we can get this show on the road!!!