As you can see from my title, I have made a DECISION! On what exactly? On my songs for the audition!! You need to have a ballad and an upbeat song. SOOOOO, I have decided to do Hurt: Christina Aguilera and Holding out for a hero: Bonnie Tyler. It has been a hard decision to make! Ballads are easy to choose. There are so many great songs to choose from. Upbeat songs, that are vocally up to par, not so much....Luckily, I have an awesome coach. (Let me paint you a picture) While watching a hockey game, she comes over and sits by me. We are sitting there talking, and looking at her phone. The ( rather perverted) videographer keeps putting us on the jumbo tron. Then out of nowhere she says, "What about the song... I need a hero by Bonnie Tyler?" I had heard the song before, but could not remember it well enough to decide. So today I listened to it....and I fell for it...HARD!( I really should have had a TV special to announce this...If it can work for Lebron, then it can work for me right? :)) My blog will just have to do ( for now anyway hehhehe)! For your convenience, I have attached a video of the song. This song was also featured on Shrek 2...sung by none other than the FAIRY GODMOTHER!!! Hahahaha....I love Shrek! Anyway, I will modernize it. We will get to sing with a band. It should be super AWESOME! My husband did a little dance to this song today! If only my darn camcorder was working...( I need to remember that I have a phone camcorder lol) You would have loved it! No worries though. I will get him on film and show the world. I might even get him to try out for SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. I am pretty sure he will get on TV! Well folks....I gotta get to workin on my fitness. Ya Dig? ( hahaha...)
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