This has been a rough 2 weeks. Due to my cold, I have not been able to sing a note; it's been driving me insane!! I went to my voice lesson yesterday. My poor coach, Debra, could not get the results out of me that she needs. Did that stop us though....OF COURSE NOT! You can put a car on the train tracks, but the train will just run it over, and keep on "chuggin." That's what this week has felt like. I have so much to do, in so little time. I will just have to "chug" along until I am satisfied. No matter though, I am the QUEEN of procrastination! Now you may think that is a bad thing, I however, disagree! It means I can work under pressure...unnecessary pressure, but pressure none the less. (hehehehe) It looks like some other girls are thinking of coming along to the audition! I purchased my tickets to fly. The rest of the girls will be "roadtrippin" it up! I am a little sad to miss that experience, but car rides are not my thing. I turn into a 5 year old. "Honey, are we there yet?" Gus: "No Shalay, we left 20 minutes ago. We have 6 hours left!" Me, 10 minutes later: "How about now?" Gus: "NO! Stop asking me!" Sooooo yeah. I would hate to put the girls through that. I really hope they come! We will have a blast! Not to get off subject, but I know people have been asking me to put up some music. I will definitely be putting some on here. These things take time lol. Right now, my lovely camcorder, has no cords. So I can record all I want, but I can't get anything off!. ( Don't you just love technology. I know I DO! blah. ) Oh yeah, and I can't find the cords anywhere! ( I freakin looooooovvvvve technology) I will find them though. With a little determination, I WILL FIND THEM. I appreciate all the support thus far. I will make good on my previous promise. After 100 followers, I will be dressing up like "Snookie" and taking pictures. Now don't show your children. I don't want them thinking that I am the monster under the bed! On that note, I will be off to attempt to sing. Oh wait wait wait....I need some suggestions for an upbeat song to sing!!!!!!!!! This is very important. Leave me your comments....think along the lines of Pink, Christina Aguilera, Journey, Aerosmith, Heart etc...a belty upbeat song with rock undertones....Does that make sense??? Do the best you can lol. Good Luck, and GOODNIGHT!